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Board of Directors

Board of Directors

The Directors

Nancy Fox AM.jpg
Nancy Fox AM
Virginia Malley.jpg
Virginia Malley
BA, MAppFin, Juris Doctor, GradDipEnvLaw, LLM, FAICD
John Edstein.jpg
John Edstein
Michael Clarke.jpg
Michael Clarke
BEng (Hons), MBA
Amanda Gillespie.jpg
Amanda Gillespie (Apted)
BEco/Econ (Hons)
Nancy Fox AM
Nancy Fox AM.jpg

Nancy Fox AM


Appointed Chairman and Director on 1 July 2017. Nancy Fox is a member of the Company’s Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee from 16 October 2020.

Nancy Fox is currently a Non-Executive Director of Perpetual Limited, the Chairman of Perpetual People and Remuneration Committee and a member of Perpetual Audit, Risk and Compliance Committee. She is also Chairman of Mission Australia Housing and a Non-Executive Director of Mission Australia, Aspect Studios Pty Ltd and O’Connell Street Associates, and the Rural Fire Benevolent Fund.

Nancy Fox has more than 30 years of experience in financial services, securitisation and risk management gained in Australia, the US and across Asia. A lawyer by training, she was Managing Director for Ambac Assurance Corporation from 2001 to 2011, Managing Director of ABN Amro Australia from 1997 to 2001 and Vice President of Citibank.

Listed company directorship held during the past three financial years:

  • Perpetual Limited (from September 2015 to present)
Virginia Malley
Virginia Malley.jpg

Virginia Malley

BA, MAppFin, Juris Doctor, GradDipEnvLaw, LLM, FAICD

Appointed Director on 25 August 2014. Virginia Malley is the Chairman of the Audit and Risk Committee and a member of the Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee of the Company.

Virginia Malley is currently a Non-Executive Director of icare, Chair of the Review Panel of the Australian Carbon Industry Code Of Conduct, Chair of the Pinnacle Fund Services and Bell Asset Management Compliance Committees, and member of the Future Super Investment and Risk Committees.

Virginia Malley has over 30 years of experience in financial services and environmental markets, corporate governance, risk management and regulatory compliance. Virginia has previously served on the boards of the Clean Energy Regulator, the Biodiversity Conservation Trust, Morphic Ethical Equities Fund Ltd, Macquarie Investment Management Ltd, Perpetual Superannuation Limited, and the Nature Conservation Trust of NSW. In her executive career, she was the Chief Risk Officer at Macquarie Funds Management Group, overseeing risk management of portfolios worth more than $85 billion and invested in clean technologies, publicly traded debt securities, listed equities, derivatives, currencies and private equity.

John Edstein
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John Edstein


Appointed Director on 26 September 2014. John Edstein is the Chairman of the Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee and a member of the Audit and Risk Committee of the Company.

John Edstein is currently a Director of Macquarie Investment Management Limited (MIML) (appointed 1 July 2013) and the Chairman of that board (appointed 16 November 2017). MIML is the trustee of Macquarie’s publicly offered superannuation fund and operator of Macquarie’s investment platform business. John is a Director and shareholder of, and Special Counsel for, Walsh Bay Partners Pty Ltd (a boutique financial advisory business for high net worth individuals, families and foundations).

John Edstein has more than 40 years of experience as a legal practitioner. His primary practice areas have been superannuation, life insurance and trusts and the tax aspects of those areas. That experience has included extensive consideration of corporate law, corporate governance and the legal aspects of investment structures. John was a Director of Retail Employees Superannuation Pty Ltd (Trustee of the Retail Employees Superannuation Trust (REST)) from 2013 to 2020. He was a partner in the Tax and Superannuation Group of King & Wood Mallesons (formerly Mallesons Stephen Jaques) from 1990 to 2012 and was National Practice Team Leader of that group from 2006 to 2011. He was a member of the Law Council of Australia Superannuation Committee from 1988 to 2008 and is now an Emeritus Member and is a member of the Tax Institute of Australia and is a Chartered Tax Adviser.

Michael Clarke
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Michael Clarke

BEng (Hons), MBA

Appointed Director on 1 September 2023. Michael Clarke is a member of the Nomination and Corporate Governance Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee of the Company.

Michael Clarke has over 30 years’ experience in asset management in both Australia and overseas. Michael has held various roles including responsibility for managing equity, fixed income and currency portfolios and building asset management businesses. His most recent leadership role was Chief Executive (acting) of Challenger Funds Management, based in Sydney. Prior to that, he was Managing Director of Russell Investments’ institutional business in Australia and New Zealand, Director of Strategy and International at AMP Capital Investors, Chief Executive and Chief Investment Officer at Goldman Sachs JBWere Asset Management, Investment Director at Equitilink Australia, and Division Director at Macquarie Bank.

Amanda Gillespie (Apted)
Amanda Gillespie.jpg

Amanda Gillespie (Apted)

BEco/Econ (Hons)

Appointed Director on 13 May 2021.

Amanda Apted (Gillespie) is a Director of Perpetual Investment Management Limited (the Manager). Amanda is also the Chief Executive, Asset Management Australia. She is responsible for leading the Australian division of Perpetual Asset Management, which includes the Australian Equities, Credit & Fixed Income and Multi Asset investment management teams. Amanda joined Perpetual in February 2018 and has held the prior roles of General Manager Client Solutions & Strategy and more recently, General Manager Perpetual Investments.

Amanda has more than 21 years of experience in asset management and investment research. Prior to joining Perpetual, Amanda was Chief Executive Officer of Lonsec where she played a key role in building out Lonsec’s investment and superannuation research and consulting capabilities.


Company Secretary

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Sylvie Dimarco
LLB, GradDipAppCorpGov, FGIA, MAICD
Sylvie Dimarco
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Sylvie Dimarco

LLB, GradDipAppCorpGov, FGIA, MAICD

Appointed Company Secretary on 25 August 2014.

Sylvie Dimarco joined Perpetual Limited in 2014 and is currently Global Head of Governance and Company Secretary. She is also Company Secretary of Perpetual Limited and all of Perpetual’s subsidiary boards.

Sylvie Dimarco has over 15 years' experience in company secretariat practice and administration for listed and unlisted companies. Before Perpetual, she practiced as a commercial lawyer in Sydney and Canberra for 11 years, working in predominantly mid-sized law firms.